About me

I have been working with people, as Counsellor and Coach, for more than twenty years. I accompany individuals in their search for greater well-being and serenity in all different dimensions of life.
The starting point generally involves searching for a new direction, realising an aspiration, or overcoming discomfort. But, in essence, what everyone wants is to live better. And this is achieved by developing self-leadership: becoming ‘master of their own lives’ to improve personal well-being and satisfaction in work and relationships.

Self-Leadership e IFS

Today we are experiencing increasing levels of uncertainty, complexity, and instability at work, in personal lives and in society. We need a different approach and new resources to face the challenges of rapidly evolving scenarios.


Constellation is a technical term used in human sciences to identify a system as a set of elements in relationship to one another.

Counselling and Coaching

It is possible to hold the meetings at our office in Milan or online.
In Counselling, verbal dialogue is integrated with experiential exercises in order to achieve a greater impact. We work with a variety of tools and methods for personal development, depending on the purpose and goal of your journey and what is most useful and suitable for you.


‘I did a coaching program with Francesco. Each session allowed me to open new doors and prepare myself to make new decisions. A space where it was really possible to…
‘In view of a very important job change, I embarked on a coaching path with Francesco. The sessions allowed me to broaden my horizons and acquire new tools, beyond my…
‘The first time I went to his office I was amazed by all the books that were there! Well… Francesco has absorbed all that knowledge and makes wise use of…